Monday, 18 May 2009

Wow, where am I? Lets see...

Ok, much time has passed since my last post. I've gone up and down with my fight against porn. I've had an amazing last week though that has kind of started me in a better direction. Two weeks ago, I was 'in' pornography. I was going daily and I was masutrbating to it daily. It was horrible. Then I said, no more. At church the pastor gave a 'one week challenge' to get closer to God and to not partake of your biggest sin in your life. I managed to go a week and it was great. I then spent just a couple minutes ruining the progress of that week, but I'm starting fresh... again. :(

I'm selling my computer to a friend and will purposefully not buy a computer all summer to stay away from porn for sure.

I really feel changed, but not changed. I'm so glad the few people reading this blog have made so many achievements, my congrats to you! I wish I could have been right alongside you, but we all progress at different stages. Looking back now and back when I started this blog, I have changed... for the better. I do not look nearly as often, nor do I feel the actual urge to look. I'm slowly replacing pornography with God, one slow step at a time.

Praying for all addicts.


  1. Hello. My name is Luke and I blog at I am getting ready to write about about how pornography addicts use blogging as way to help themselves through their addiction. Would you be interested in shooting me a quick email with some thoughts?

    1. Why do you blog about your addiction/temptation with porn?
    2. Have you been encouraged through your use of a blog? How?
    3. Have you met other bloggers who are doing the same thing?

    Let me know if you are interested in helping me with this! Thanks.

  2. Thank you. As a wife to a recovering porn addict (he's under the online porn addiction therapy GreatnessAhead program), I believe that small accomplishments are indeed big, because they makeup for something that will truly eliminate the urges from the routine. All the best.
