Friday, 13 March 2009

Oh my gosh... why?

Gah, really mad with myself. I know its only 4 days, but maybe thats partly why I'm so mad. I was doing GREAT up untill like 20 minutes ago and then I just was like hmmm I'm bored. So bam I turned the computer on and looked at like two pages of Google images of some nudity. Its like what the heck? 

I quickly closed it of course... I felt horrible... Now I'm writing this. 

Its very frustrating. 

These next two weeks I won't really have time too look at pornography though, so that will be good. :) But its amazing how one can make time even if there is none -_-. 

So yep... Well... Starting again. 

March 13, 2009 <--- Friday <--- failed. 

I want to go until at least April and beyond but right now I'm setting my sights on April. That is only 18 days away. I know its possible. 18 days is nothing. I should easily do that. I just am too busy and too much too do to be wasting time on pornography. Plus its other bad side affects. I really need to change. I want myself to be a new man, a Godly man, a man that God can say, well done good and faithful. Well done.


I want too add, I am going to try to avoid the use of computer, change where my computer is too  more centralized locaation. So I hopefully won't be posting. 

So until I post, I'm doing well :). If I post it will be because I failed or I'm just doing really well! :D 

So untill then, good luck. 

(Note, I considered not telling you guys... but then I realized the only person I'd be lying too is myself and thats not the way to quit!) 


  1. Hang in there, man. Staying true to us is staying true to yourself. Don't cheat yourself out of the life you want. Keep writing, and remember that we're on your side.

  2. Hope you are still going strong man.
