Tuesday 17 February 2009

Day 2

Day 2 went well other than what I said yesterday... after my - very close - failure, I stopped and turned the computer off right away- so in the end it was fine! Yeh! 

Day 3 so far has gone well... Lots of work that is keeping me busy...

Staying busy helps, helps fight that feeling of 'something is missing'... 


What are your triggers? Understand and know your triggers that way you can turn away. 

For me it can be anything from a skimpy-ly dressed girl, too seeing/hearing the word porn... it gets me thinking that direction, and when that happens its hard to say no... Yesterday I saw some girls in bikini's and body paint, close to nudity, I know, it was SO hard to say no because I was this close *holds up fingers*... 

So when you have a trigger that triggers you into those thoughts, try to avoid them! If you can't try to learn other ways that when you are confronted with a trigger to get your mind off it and change! 

God bless! Looking forward to a good day 3 :) 

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